最初のintel MacはiMacと”MacBook”らしい

JobsのMacWorld基調講演ライブレポートをリアルタイムに追っかけていた。どうも最初のintel MacはiMacだったようだ。

Jobs unveiled the first Intel-based Mac, an updated iMac. The machine will come in the same sizes as its Power PC processors and will cost the same, but Jobs said it will be two to three times faster because it uses Intel's dual-core Duo chip.


The new iMacs will go on sale today, Jobs said. He also said that Apple will transition its entire product line to Intel chips during this calendar year.


"There is one more thing," Jobs said.

He then shoed off the MacBook Pro, an Intel-based laptop that Jobs said is four to five time faster than the PowerBook G4.


The MacBook pro laptops will ship in February with orders being taken starting today.

うーん、個人的にはmac miniかiBookのintel版が発表されれば即買いしても良いかと思ったんだけど、iMacとPowerBookかぁ…。iMacは1299ドルからだからまぁ買えない事はないけど、既存WindowsPCとの置き場所とかの兼ね合いがあるからな…。

WindowsPCからのスイッチとか、両方使いわけたい人にmac miniも出れば良かったのに。たぶん、今年前半までにはmac miniもしくはiBookもintel版が出そうな気はするけれど。

さて、今の時点ではApple Storeは新製品対応のためか一時閉店中…

